Paolo Fresu and Gianluca Petrella are two of the best and more creative Italian musicians well known in the actual international musical scene . They play together until a long time in va rious projects and groups, but this duo is to be counted in the book of absolute creativity. The two musicians have both high technical attitude , inclination to the research of s ound, curiosity pointed into new music al dimensions, like an intelligent use of electronic, that both use in a clever and deep way. Their sound is full of joy and rich of absolute originality. Their score is made by historical s tand ard and new original tune s , readapted also from Brass Bang ! repertoire (the quartet composed by Fresu and Petrella with Steven Bernstein and Marcus Rojas). An explosive and colored duo characterized by an important and continuo us production of ideas, great musical personalities, creation of never predictable new architectures and strong power of co m munication.

Paolo Fresu & Gianluca Petrella
Paolo Fresu tromba, flicorno, effetti
Gianluca Petrella trombone, effetti
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Tuesday to Saturday from 2pm to 10pm
02 69016888